Marbled Look Concrete


NEW! Video training on how to create marbled look concrete, from Caleb Lawson.

Learn a stunning technique that is in high demand, and that clients are willing to pay a lot of money for.

More about the training:

Hi, I'm Caleb Lawson with Lawson Design. I started with a CCI class in 2013, and I've been creating my signature marble look concrete for clients since 2016.

High end client want this. There is a demand for it. I get a lot of work with my twist on this style of concrete. You can too by using the information to create your own signature look.

Caleb Lawson marbled look concrete kitchen countertop copper

My marbling technique was born of trial and error and experimentation. It's evolved over the years as I've refined the technique.

As my technique has become more sophisticated, I've figured out how to create complex and beautiful looks like this, both dramatic and subtle:

In this online video course, I will show you the exact techniques I use for creating both dramatic and subtle veining. I will demonstrate on both flat pieces such as concrete wall panels and countertops and three-dimensional pieces such as concrete sinks. You will see how I create big, bold crevice veins as well as shadowy, organic veins. The resulting patterns and textures are amazing:

These techniques work with any mix, as long as you know how to manipulate that mix. I encourage you to take these techniques and experiment to find an authentic style that resonates with you and your clients. Enjoy!


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